Thursday, September 10, 2009

As Promised........

Here are some pictures of our living room. These are all taken (with a couple exceptions) from the north doorway into our dining room. So the big window faces south.

Here is the west side of the room. All the kids' toys, and directly to the right of where I'm standing is the front door. And that is Stormy in the picture.
Here's the middle of the room. I love all the light that huge window lets in. We put our Christmas tree right in the middle of the window. And Midnight (on the left) and Stormy.
And here's the east side of the room. Entertainment center, kids' table & our free hide-a-bed couch. The piano is behind the couch. You'll see it better...., in this picture. The piano, with the non-matching bench. Ask me about what happend to the original piano bench sometime. Its a long & interesting story. Oh, and that big greenish thing? That's "the rock". A big memory foam bean bag type thing. Very comfy.
And last, but certainly not least, the kids' toy corner. Its not usually this neat, but my new goal is for the boys to put ALL of their toys away EVERY night. The cool Star Wars tent was a Christmas gift from my parents to both boys. They love it.

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