Sunday, October 4, 2009

Almost Not Sickly

David's fever broke last night, and he was normal this morning. But this evening his temperature is back up to 99.2. Which isn't high, but isn't normal, so he's spending one more day home from school. And since I have to take Nathaniel to the Dr to see about his motion sickness, I'm going to see if I can get David in at the same time to have him checked out & get both of them flu shots if possible.

I have a re-check on Tuesday at the Drs for my migraines. The anti-depressant seems to be working better than the beta-blocker, but I'm still getting migraines, although much less, probably by about half. That's still 1-2 migraines a week though, instead of 3-4. I haven't been doing as good a job of keeping track of them like I was before, so that number isn't quite as accurate, but its pretty close. So we'll see what he decides.

I do have to say this though, before I close.....


Those of you who are Cowboys fans will understand.....


  1. I'm praying for you guys... that you will all be feeling MUCH better soon.

    Congratulations on the Broncos' win! They deserved it. (Since Jerry Jones took over the Cowboys my heart is just not in the home team.)

  2. Thanks, Nancy. Unfortunately, David's fever went back up during the night. It was 102.7 this morning. Not good.

  3. Oh dear, Teri. More praying....
