Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We've Been Saved....

by the pest contol guy, Randy. He came this afternoon and sprayed the outside of the house. And bugs were dropping off the side of the house, like, well, flies. Ok, that was bad. Sorry. But seriously, they were, and its great. Well worth the $90.

David and I were talking about what he did in school today, and he mentioned a fight he had with a boy named Daden. I'm not sure what it entailed, exactly, but the school never called me, so I'm assuming no blood was drawn on either side. He then mentioned that sometimes he has doodles with his friends, Dylan & Tristan. I knew exactly what he meant, but it was too cute to correct him. He said that they don't doodle with guns, but they just hit each other. Yep, duels is what he meant to say. And again, I've never been called about these duels, so I'm guessing that its just playground games. But doodles was too cute!

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