Sunday, October 11, 2009


They are predicting a snow-rain mix tomorrow, around an inch. We'll see what comes of it, but it would please Nathaniel to no end. He's been asking when its going to snow for at least 3 weeks now. He desperately wants to build a snowman and play in the snow. It was so difficult to get him inside last winter that I'm not really looking forward to this winter in regards to that. I do love the snow, though.

Well, our team did it again. The Broncos beat the Patriots in OT 20-17. It was a good game. Did you know their new coach is only 33 years old?

David had a soccer game yesterday morning. Boy, was it cold! The team played hard, but the other team won, 3-2. No one from our team was very pleased with the other coach though. He was constantly trying to influence the ref's calls (She was an 8th grader & not much taller than the tallest kid playing), and his team was constantly pushing, shoving, grabbing, etc. And the ref wasn't calling any of it. Our coaches were going to have a talk with the guy in charge of the league about the coach and the ref, since she wasn't calling anything unless the ball went out of bounds.

David finally goes back to school tomorrow! He had a lot of school work to do after missing a week of school, and he got it all done today. Spelling & Math, mostly. He's pretty good at math, he just doesn't want to sit and do the work.

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