Friday, July 17, 2009

Cleaning House in 55 degree Weather

Remember how in an earlier post I had said that I wanted to get the house really cleaned up while the boys were at VBS this week? Yeah, well, it didn't happen. What did happen today was I baked a loaf of bread since we were out and I don't buy bread anymore. And I spent about 3 1/2 hours sorting through, organizing and discarding toys. We have a corner of our huge living room dedicated to toys. Two sets of shelves, a huge tub and a plastic 3 drawer dresser full of toys, puzzles, books, games - you name it, they probably have (or had) it. I had 3 boxes of stuff to give away when I was done. And they'll never miss any of it. Especially since most of it was buried and they hadn't played with it for 6 months anyway. I should've taken before and after pictures. Now its pointless cause the kids have gotten into their toys again. Oh well, maybe next time.

It was 55 degrees here for most of the day. About 10:00 am it was 59 and when I looked again around 11:30 am it was 55. The temperature in the house was a whopping 66 degrees. It looked like it was going to rain all day, but it didn't do anything but sprinkle briefly a couple of times. We're supposed to have a high of around 70 on Saturday. Yippee for us!

Have a great weekend!


  1. 55 degrees!?? Wow. That sounds so nice!!

    I really liked that art work a couple of posts back.
    Oh yes.

  2. Its may sound nice, but it was chilly. I wore a sweater all day and my feet froze. I think that had something to do with me refusing to put on socks and shoes instead of wearing flip flops all day. :)

    David has artwork covering our fridge.And I have a stack that I'm supposed to scan so I can print them out on 4x6 photo paper for his scrapbook.
