Monday, July 6, 2009

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Do you ever have one of those days when you, oh, I don't know, are just cranky? Have no patience? Maybe both? That's me today. I'm not sure why, and I know what you ladies are thinking. Its not that. Maybe it has something to do with going from having 1 boy to 3 in the span of 2 hours on Saturday. Its not that I don't enjoy having my nephew over to visit, I really do. Its just that now I have 3 boys to deal with instead of 2. which means 1 extra one to entertain, feed and make sure that they don't kill each other. I'm so glad that we're not having any more kids. 2 is plenty!!

I want to go in my room, close the door and hide from them until its time to go to bed. Thankfully, Richard has some stuff to do outside, so the boys had to go back outside to be with Richard and give me some peace and quiet. So I can finish folding the last 2 loads of laundry of the 5 that I did today.

Speaking of laundry, one thing that we have is a clothes line, right outside from the front door. I have been hanging all our towels and bedsheets outside, one, to save electricity, and two, 'cause I like the way they smell when they've been line dried. The one thing I don't like? Stiff, not fluffy towels. The sheets come out fine, but the towels, well, lets just say I prefer them dried in the dryer so they are all fluffy. I don't hang clothes out to dry though. I don't want to have to worry about fading.

Well, its official. Its been determined that the power source for our PC is dead. So Richard gets to order/buy a new one. A friend of his who is a computer geek and used to live out here (they were in the same unit, but Rob is back in Utah now where he's from) said that there is a computer parts store in downtown Sparta, so Richard is going to go there first before we order a part from Dell. Suprisingly, Dell has the cheapest power source that we can find on the internet.

We can again start putting the boys to bed at 8:00pm. (I'm doing the Snoopy happy dance) We have been having to wait till its darker (around 9:00pm) because their room is still so bright when its bedtime. I remedied that today. I put up cardboard in their east facing window. So now its perfect. And it will hopefully help them sleep later in the morning as well, instead of getting up at the crack of dawn.

You know, I think I'll go take a few outside pictures of the house, so I can give you all a tour tomorrow....


  1. Yes! I want to see pictures of the house!!

  2. I've taken the pictures. I'll post them tomorrow. Just of the outside. I'm a little embarassed about the inside. Not the actual house but the clutter. Or lack of storage, anyways.
