Thursday, July 2, 2009

Not a Good Start.....

To the morning. I turned our PC on this morning, and its not doing anything. Well, that's not exactly true. The fan is running. Very, very loudly. Luckily for me, Richard left his laptop at home. He normally takes it to work, but didn't today.

Its really quiet right now. Nathaniel is at pre-kindergarten summer school; his last day for this week. Then he has it all next week. I should really get up and clean the kitchen & dining room, but my newest Star Wars book is calling my name.

I didn't get to talk to David on Tuesday night. He called my cell phone, but I don't get service at the house, so he left a message, which I got yesterday morning. It was so sweet. "I miss you, Mom. I love you!" It about made me cry. I did get to talk to him last night, which about made me cry again, 'cause he again told me that he missed me. He's been having a lot of fun going to the pool and playing with his cousins. When he talked to Richard last night, he started crying. He wanted us to come pick him up right then. Dad got him calmed down with the news that when we pick him up on Saturday we are also picking up cousin Conner as well. He'll be visiting for the next week. That seemed to cheer him up.

Well, I had some pictures I was going to post today, but they're on the other computer. If Richard can get it up and going when he gets home, I'll do it later tonight. Have a great day!


  1. Ah, that's touching about David on the phone - and leaving the message. Mmm. We love our kids, don't we?
    (I'm finally okay with them being gone overnight-- HA!!)

  2. He's always going to be my baby. David is one who loves to cuddle and is so caring about others. This was his first time away from us overnight, not including staying with Grandma and Grandpa in their hotel room on the way down to the reunion.
