Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An outside tour

So here's the grand tour of the outside of the house. I'm hoping to get lots of cleaning/sorting done next week while the boys are at VBS during the day. If that happens, then you'll get the inside tour.
As I mentioned yesterday, I did take pictures last night. However, I downloaded them onto the laptop last night, and they weren't there this morning. Which makes me ill, cause I just realized that the pictures of David's summer school musical/play were downloaded as well last night. And they aren't on the laptop either. Oh well.
And now, the tour (drum roll, please).....
Here's our house; this is taken from the road. There is pasture to the east, west and north of us. Our closest neighbors are cows. They are pretty quiet unless a calf wanders too far from mom.

Here are some wild blackberries that are about halfway down our driveway. If you look in the picture above, its the big bush on the right side about halfway down. Yummy!

Here is the front of our house, from about half way down our driveway. The garage was an addition to the house, probably done in the late '70 to early '80s. The living room above the garage is about 24' x 24'. Its where we spend most of our time.

This is the pasture behind our house, this picture was taken from the back west corner of the house so it angles to the east.

This is the pasture at the back of the house, the picture angles to the west, as I took it from the back east corner of the house. We usually have cows in this pasture, but they are father east in the mornings, they come over this way in the evenings.

This is the back of the house. We don't use this door. Haven't even ever tried to open it. It opens into our laundry/utility room. If you were to walk out this door, you've have about a 45 degree incline to walk up if you wanted to go to the fence line (which would be about 15 feet away).

This is the east side of the house. You can't really tell from the picture, but its a gradual incline to about where the back addition is (its the part that doesn't have a first floor window), then it increases to about a 40-45 degree angle. It doesn't look like it, but it is a pain to mow!

This is the west side of the house, and the main door. See the chimney at the very top of the house? Yeah, we don't have a fireplace. I'm just guessing, but the house was probably originally heated by the fireplace, then got upgraded to coal (maybe), then heating oil & now it has an lp (liquid propane) furnace and water heater. See the propane tank to the left?

Here's Richard's dog, Midnight. He has had her since before we met. She was about 5 months old when I met Richard. That makes her 12. She's very active for a 12 year old lab.

And here's my dog, Stormy. Midnight is Stormy's mom. She came from Midnight's one and only litter. She's not much of a hunting dog like Midnight, but she's a great family pet. Both of the dogs are great with the kids. They can climb on them, try to ride them, whatever and it doesn't bother them. When they've had enough, they just get up and leave.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I love your house... so 'outdoorsy' and inviting. It looks like it has a lot of character. When was it built?
    I bet you have lots of peace and quiet. That's great. And what a good place for the boys!

    That blackberry picture is beautiful.

    Looks like you've got some sweet dogs!
