Friday, July 10, 2009

I've been tagged! And it stops here.

I've been tagged by my awesome cousin, Nancy. I'm supposed to list 6 things that make me happy, then tag 6 bloggers that I know so they can do the same thing. But I don't know 6 bloggers. I mean, I probably do, but I don't know that they're bloggers. So here's my 6 things, and if you want to tag yourself, please feel free. :) Oh, and these are in no particular order.

1. Sleeping in. Which for me is past 6:30 am. My kids are ealy risers.

2. Schwan's Chocolate and Peanut Butter ice cream. Way, way better than Baskin Robbins. Schwan's has these little peanut butter cups as well as lots of peanut butter swirled into the chocolate ice cream. Yummy!

3. Date night with Richard. Doesn't happen often enough. We do have an awesome babysitter, though, for when we do go out.

4. The stillness of kids taking naps. Just being able to sit and relax for a little while in the middle of the day is refreshing.

5. Seeing my boys peacefully sleeping. I like to go into their room (they share) before I go to bed and re-tuck them into bed and give them kisses. Seeing their peaceful faces is so sweet!

6. Playing piano. Undisturbed. This doesn't happen often. I haven't done it much for the last 10 years or so, and now I'm trying to get back into it. Now, if I could just find a piano bench.....

There's my 6 favorite things. Please tag yourself if you want. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great 6 things!
    I'll have to try that Schwan's ice cream. I used to have their truck come to my house. Then we moved - but I see it 'around town'. Hmm. I'll have to get on that. (Everything I've ever had from Schwan's is GREAT.)
    Thanks for doing the 6!
