Monday, August 10, 2009

The First Day.....

of serious potty training for Nathaniel. I took and stashed away the half a dozen pull-ups he had left and told him this morning that he didn't have anymore. He was not a happy camper. He looked in the spot we normally keep them, and sure enough they were gone. He didn't want to put on the cloth training pants that I'd borrowed from a gal at church (she has 8 boys, and 2 not yet ready to potty train). He went upstairs and was looking in his drawer for something and finally picked out a pair of shorts. He decided to go commando and went about 3 hours without an accident. After that, he was willing to put on the training pants. I woke him up from his nap after 2 hours and got him to go potty, and he did very well until after dinner, and has had several training pants changes since about 5pm, but he's gone through less than 6 pairs of training pants for the first day, so I think that's pretty good for the first day without pull ups. We have been going through a lot of Tootsie Pops though. I'm going to need to get some more tomorrow when we go into town. But hey, whatever works, right?

I (unintentionally) made David cry again tonight. I suggested that tomorrow we go through all his coloring books and tear out the uncolored pages, save them and throw the rest away. He did not like that idea one bit, so much so that he started crying. So I explained to him that it was just a suggestion and that we wouldn't do anything to his coloring books that he didn't want done. He did say we could go through them and throw away the ones he didn't like. I'm just trying to clear stuff out cause he's got about 20 coloring books, about 80% of which have all been colored in except for 2 or 3 pages.

Well, I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to get the boys into bed. David wasn't difficult, it was Nathaniel. I was trying to get him to go potty before bed and he didn't want to, then he did but couldn't, it was back and forth until I was ready to scream. Finally, now they're in bed. But I'll go up in 45 minutes or so and get Nathaniel up and take him potty. Just in case. He's usually dry in the mornings though, so I'm not too worried about it. Tomorrow morning should be interesting though.

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