Monday, August 17, 2009

An Obvious Monday

Today did not start out well. Its been so totally a Monday that I could hardly stand it. First, I had to wake the boys up so we could go pick our dogs up at the kennel where we boarded them this weekend. Nathaniel had wet his bed, but I should really say soaked. I had to wash his sheets & his comforter. I also sprayed his mattress down with Febreeze. (wonderful stuff, Febreeze) David wasn't ready to get up, and attempted to play possum, but it didn't work too well since he'd already talked to me before his possum attempt. After taking them downstairs, I tried to get Nathaniel to use his potty, but he didn't want to.

After the kids got dressed and we headed to the kennel. Got the dogs picked up and made it back home. It was about 8:45 am when we got back home and I again took Nathaniel in use the potty. He again didn't want to, so we had a test of wills for the next 20 minutes before I finally convinced him to pee. I'm sure he'd had to go since he got out of bed, but is stubborn enough to hold it for over an hour simply because he doesn't want to go.

A short while later, Nathaniel began tormenting David by knocking down all the Transformers that he'd set up for his current battle. David can really work himself up into a tizzy when he wants to, and today was no exception. Tears, pounding fists on the floor and stomping his feet in frustration just fuels Nathaniel's fire, but David is still young enough that he can't just ignore what Nathaniel is doing. Whereas Richard can stop Nathaniel with just his voice, I have to physically intervene and pull Nathaniel away from the area, which doesn't work very well, since he just goes right back to tormenting David. Today, I got sick of both David's behavior and Nathaniel's, and told David that he was going to take a nap when Nathaniel did. That must have been the straw that broke the camel's back, cause he actually threw a temper tantrum. Not a throwing himself down on the floor, kicking and screaming, but he threw a toy on the floor and threw himself down on the rock. That really clinched it for me. Then I needed a nap. David cried off and on for an hour because he was so upset (and TIRED!)

After lunch and naps, everyone felt much better! David was acting more himself, and Nathaniel got his birthday package from Aunt Cherie & LOVES the new Transformer Optimus Prime Battle Blaster that he got. Its too difficult to explain, I'll post pictures of it tomorrow. Needless to say, Nathaniel wanted to take it to bed this evening, but we wouldn't let him. Its "parked" in the "shed", aka the box that his gifts came in.

I'm exhausted, so I'm off to bed.

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