Monday, August 3, 2009

Today of All Days....

I woke up with a migraine headache this morning. When I wake up with one, I know its going to be a doosey. But today? I felt like a train wreck. I took an Imatrex at 8:00 am, and another at 9:00 am, to no avail. It didn't even touch it. After another hour and a half of laying on the couch, feeling nauseous and with a pounding head, I called the pharmacy to see if I could take something OTC after taking the Imatrex. The good news? I could take Ibuprofen. During the call with the pharmacist, I was almost in tears, my head hurt so bad. And I typically don't cry when I get migraines, so I knew this one was bad. Then I called our Super Awesome Babysitter's mom, cause I knew she didn't work today. Amid tears I explained what was happening and asked if she could take the boys for a while so I could get some rest and try to get rid of my headache. I knew I couldn't go to VBS with a migraine like that. Thankfully, she took the boys from about 11 am to 3 pm when I went to pick them up. Headache? Gone! Yippee for me! I'd taken 800 mg of Ibuprofen at 11 and went to bed. I woke up about 12 and it felt like it was pretty much gone, but I stayed in bed until about 2:15 when I got up to get something to eat for the first time all day. I didn't want to eat earlier since I was so nauseous; I was afraid I was going to be sick, and no one likes to be sick to their stomach.

So with a migraine vanquished, we went to VBS tonight. David brought his friend, Isaac, who is our Super Awesome Babysitter's brother, and who David and Nathaniel played with for most of the day. It was a good evening. And good night!

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