Sunday, August 30, 2009

An Outdoor Service

We had our last outdoor worship service at church this morning. It was beautiful out. Sunny, a light breeze and COLD! I'm not sure what the temp actually was, but it wasn't any higher than 60 degrees, probably closer to 55 degrees. The worship team was set up in the shade of the church building, but by the time church started, we (us singers, anyway) were in the sun. The congregation was in the sun from the beginning, so they were relatively warm the entire time. We had a potluck afterwards, and had lots of yummy food to eat. It was a lovely close to the summer.

Two days till school starts! Yippee! I mean, oh, I'm so sad that my kids will be going off to school and leaving me at the house by myself. (sniff, sniff) :)


  1. Ha- I used to say 'Yippee', too. Oh, but then maybe a little sniff, sniff. Well, maybe not much!
    (I think it's a healthy mother who is ready for her kids to go to school.)

  2. Oh, I am so ready I can hardly stand it!
