Sunday, August 9, 2009

A fun day at the park.....

until it rained. After church, I took the boys over to a friend's house so I could go birthday shopping for Nathaniel. It wasn't very long, about an hour, but it was quiet. I got back to Shelley's house and ended up eating lunch there and visiting for a couple of hours. Shelley and her family live directly across the street from a park, so her daughter took the boys over to play while I was gone. It worked great until it started to rain. When I got back to their house, they were just starting to watch the live action version of 101 Dalmations. While David & Cassie(Shelley's daughter) watched the movie, Shelley and I had a nice visit & Nathaniel took about an hour nap; I woke him up just as the movie was ending. It was about 4:00 when we headed home, but made a quick stop at a local ice cream shop for $1 baby cones. For a $1, they aren't baby cones at all. They are about the size of a regular sized Dairy Queen cone. And $1 includes tax. So for $3 we all had chocolate/vanilla swirl cones. Yum!

I did get my shopping done for Nathaniel's birthday. A couple of Transformers, a Thomas the Tank Engine coloring book, some markers, twist up crayon (I love these, they are awesome!) a Tom & Jerry DVD set and a Max & Ruby DVD. I also got his school clothes shopping done as well. Except for some new shoes, he's all done. Just have to get him some school supplies now.

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