Monday, August 24, 2009

FPU Preview & An Open House

I was so excited about this evening's FPU preview. I baked for about 3 hours this morning so we'd have snacks. The boys and I went into town about 2:15 so I could spend a hour or so setting up tables & chairs before going to David's school's open house. Then it was time to grab some dinner & finish up at the church before the preview started at 6:30.

David had a blast at the open house. We were the first ones in his class, so we got about 10 minutes of chatting with his teacher without interruption, which was nice. I found out her 4 year old twins will be in Nathaniel's pre-k class, so that'll be fun. David was excited to see some classmates from his Kindergarten class last year, a friend from pre-k that wasn't in his class last year & we also went and said hi to his kindergarten teacher. Nathaniel was at a friend from church's house during this, so I could concentrate on David.

The FPU preview. Where do I start? Well, first, it was definetly a Monday. We had problems with the sound system, couldn't find the needed cables, and only 6 people (not including me and my other small group leader) showed up. I had set up 6 tables that would seat 8 each, so needless to say I was a bit disappointed. I forgot, however, that we have at least 2 more couples coming for sure. One didn't plan on coming to the preview, and I really didn't expect them, the other couple was going to come, but circumstances changed & they weren't able to make it. One of the ladies that came tonight was in my first class, but she came to sign her daughter & son-in-law up. (yep, they know, they were just out of town) When I commented afterwards that I was expecting more people, she told me of something that happened to her. She started a Bible study, and the first day, only 1 person came. And the next time, and the next time. Always the same person. She said she asked God why there weren't more people. He said not to count the people, but to feed His sheep. It doesn't matter how many there are, but that they are hungry. Thank you, Karen, for your words of wisdom!

To my cousin, Nancy - I hope you're feeling better!

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